Thursday, February 17, 2022

More Fun With Friends

 Last weekend the annual Tour de Palm Springs took place in California. The picture shows the two guys I travelled with and me in the front but in the background you can see just a small portion of the riders who took to the course with us. The event was to raise money and say thank you to first responders and veterans. We all came together to take on a variety of distances and see the incredible scenery. 

In just over seven months I will leaving for the longest bike ride and most amazing adventure of my life. While covering the miles of Route 66 I will be the only rider but as I train I love to have my friends join me. From riding through Red Rock Canyon to checking out Lake Mead while riding the River Mountain Loop Trail, we explore together any time we can. It is a blast to stop and take pictures, chat through the miles and encourage each other up hill climbs and through difficult stretches. Having that support can be the difference when taking on a challenge like some of the longer distances we have been riding lately.

Support is everything. While completing Ride 22 On 66 I will technically be riding alone. But in a much larger sense I won't be alone at all. I am the only cyclist doing the actual riding but I have my chase driver, my wonderful mom, who will be out there with me. She will not only drive the car with my extra food, gear, and bikes, but she will be my constant companion when the miles add up and the days start to wear on my body and mind. There is a joy to being on my bike but the distances I have to travel each day in order to cover the complete course in just twenty two days is daunting to say the least. Having her there will be a needed boost on many days I'm sure.

There is also an incredible team working with me from across the country to make this happen. From my author friends helping promote the books that inspired the ride, to cyclists I've met along the different training routes I cover, to the friends helping with marketing and PR to get the word out about the fundraiser to help the charities so near and dear to my heart; I have so many friends that have stepped up to be a part of this I know I am not even close to being alone. 

And that is a big part of the symbolism with the ride. So many times when we feel overwhelmed, our anxiety gets too strong, or we are breaking down, we feel like no one will understand us and we are stranded all alone to deal with things. I felt that way after my PTSD diagnosis years ago and I still get panic attacks that can make me feel isolated. But in my heart I know, even if I can't see them all the time, there are people with me. I am never alone. I am riding for those like me. The ones who feel alone, abandoned, afraid, and without hope. Those that feel like they are falling apart and there is no path forward. I see you. I hear your cries and feel your heartbreak. I know it can seem dark in the tunnel but if you can't see the bigger light at the end of it at least look for the lights of my bike. I am riding for you and I will always have my lights shining bright to show you there is someone who cares, even in the dark.

For more information, please visit.

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