Friday, April 4, 2014

Rescue Me Inspiration

A few months ago I was scrolling through all of the posts on facebook. I shared animals that needed to get out of shelters, liked updates from friends and commented on a few upcoming events. I was about to close facebook and go do something else for awhile when I came across the pained and yet beautiful face of an abandon senior dog. He name was Abigail and she was 16 years old.

She had been abused, neglected but love had been denied. Her face had mange removing the fur. Her eyes had cataracts. I looked at her and my heart broke. She was so depressed, so fragile, and worst of all, she was completely alone. I immediately started trying to figure out a way to help her but while I was in the midst of my own attempt there was a man with far greater resources and a capacity for love that is unmatched who had chosen to step up.

He adopted Abigail determined to bring her back to health so she could live out her golden years in a home with love. Sadly shortly after finally being given the home and love she so deserved Abigail's tired little body gave up. She went home to heaven where she would never hurt or fear again and the man that loved her held as she went, crying and loving her the entire time. He is a hero to me.

In her name he created a charity, Abigail's Fund. I have very limited resources but I am so inspired by him and his love for this special dog I have decided to use my talents to do the one thing I can. I am creating an anthology of poems, pictures and short stories that once published will be donating all the proceeds to Abigail's Fund.

Anyone interested in submitting or that would be willing to help with the book please feel free to contact me either comment here or on my facebook author page or the page for the anthology itself Rescue Me - Animal Anthology.

1 comment:

  1. I may have a story for your anthology. My dog, Bear, is a rescue who has become a service dog for me. He literally is a life saver and I can't imagine life without him.
