Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Preparation Nation

Nine weeks. That is all that stands between me and taking off on the ride. This time, nine weeks from now, I should be asleep getting a solid night of rest before I take off on the first day of my ride. In all honesty, I doubt I will be sleeping much that last night. I will be running through all the items I need to pack up, the route we will drive to the starting point, all the the rest stops and meal stops the next day, how long it will take to load, and of course I will be thinking obsessively about all the things that could go wrong. It is the last thing I want to focus on but human nature is to overthink all the bad while trying to think about the good.

I want to think about what it will feel like coming across the finish line that first day. I can't wait to take pictures at my rest stops and hopefully meet other cyclists and new friends along the journey. I plan to blog and share things as I travel but it will undoubtedly be a learning experience each and every day. 

Right now I am starting to make all my packing lists, practice loading and unloading everything, and going over everything adding and subtracting items as I think of what I need. I am thrilled that when I practiced loading the car we found I have more space than we originally thought I would so if there is anything I have forgotten currently I will have room to add it. I still need to run through the packing of my duffle bag with my clothes and go through my gear box to see what all I have, what needs to be restocked or purchased and then how best to put it in the container. 

I am beginning to schedule things like the bike tune up I will be having done a week or two before I leave as well as the physical checkup my driver insisted upon to make sure we are aware of any medical concerns I may face while out on the road. It feels like a lot because it is a lot but the biggest concern I have at the moment is simply raising money for the charities. I am hoping people will understand and relate to what I am doing, and more importantly, to why I am doing it. I hope they will visit my website to check out the Ride 22 On 66 page or the page on Facebook under the same name.

The organizations I am riding for and the people they support mean everything to me. It is groups like them that quite literally kept me alive during some of my darkest times with PTSD and it is my mission to help show just how grateful I, and people like me, are for what they do everyday.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Monday Motivation - Arthur Ashe

"Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can." - Arthur Ashe

This quote has stuck with me for awhile. I first found it back in 2019 when the concept of the ride was born. For those who don't know, I came up with the idea originally while doing a camping road trip with my husband a few years ago. We stopped in Seligman, AZ and were eating at a cute place called Delgadillos. As we sat out under the awning I looked back and forth along the road and commented on how it would be a great place to ride your bike through. My husband looked at me and asked where on Earth I would be coming from or going to since Seligman is not close to any other town. I shrugged and said I didn't know but maybe if you were riding your bike across Arizona or maybe even along Route 66.

He laughed off the idea. It was way too much of an undertaking and I wasn't exactly in Tour de France condition. He was right but I couldn't let it go. As time went by I kept thinking about it and I was working on my Sharing Strength series at the same time. I wanted to do something big to celebrate the conclusion of the series and I couldn't shake the idea of the ride across Route 66.

After researching for several months I decided that no matter how difficult it seemed I had to try and make the ride happen. With the books all being connected to charity and the theme being PTSD I knew I wanted to incorporate that into the ride as well. One of the best known statistics about PTSD is that on average 22 veterans commit suicide everyday. That gave me the 22 day focus and I chose to create a single GoFundMe that will have the total split evenly among the five organizations. It has taken on change after change and I have had to work to keep learning each and everyday as this concept has come to life.

I began with just an idea. That connects to the "Start where you are" part of the quote. It was a crazy plan that I couldn't let go of as time progressed. The "use what you have" was the base but I have definitely had to add to that. When the idea first came about I had a decent road bike and a car that could follow me but I had almost no gear, my helmet was a cheap one from a big box store, my clothes were worn and not ready for any kind of weather other than simple and sunny. Everything I had was basic and a number of things were missing. Since then I have added rails to my car so I could add a cargo carrier and top bike rack, I got a better bike rack for the hitch, I have gone through a number of trips to the bike store for gear and even had to switch some of what I already had when I changed over to tubeless tires. I even purchased a steel frame touring bike with bags but after talking to some experts I learned I would be much better off with a lighter bike with a different kind of bags so I traded in the touring bike for the gravel bike I will be using for the trip.

The final part of the quote is the one I am working on the most. "Do what you can" is something I struggle with because there are a few ways to look at that. One is to think of it as doing what feels comfortable, accepting your limits, and not beating yourself up if it isn't what you hoped it would be. The other is to think of it as wringing out every ounce of energy you have and giving it everything you've got. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. If you accept your limits you lower risks but never grow beyond where you are. If you give it everything possible you will make it farther than you thought you could but it is very possible you will burn yourself out. This will be the battle I fight everyday on the ride. My intention is to give it all I have but I need to accept help when my body calls for it to sustain my health. Life is about learning and I am open to the lessons it has to teach me.