Thursday, January 9, 2020

The One That Got Away

I am a major tomboy. Weird information I know, but it plays into something that happened recently and got me thinking. Because of my tomboy tendencies I have always been friends with guys much more than with girls. I love and play sports, am into outdoor activities like camping and hiking, I love getting dirty and have such little makeup I can rarely find any of it. This has led to me spending time with my guys friends most of the time. Understandably, when I am in a relationship it has to be with someone very secure and trusting. I didn't expect to be confronted with my friends telling me they considered me the one that got away however.

In three different conversations over the past week I have had male friends tell me they consider me the one that got away when we were younger. Only one of those guys did I ever date, the other two were simply friends. I know this makes me sound somewhat conceded which is not my intention, they just let me know they had believed there could have been something there when we used to hang out. Those conversations made me think about any guys in my history that I would think of as getting away but honestly I don't feel there are any questions or unfinished business with anyone in my past.

I can't say the same about my writing though. I have never given up on a book I was reading, even when I deeply wanted too, but I was reminded a week ago that there is a story I was writing I somehow put away and forgot about. I am now revisiting the notes I had for that story to add it to my To Be Written list. It is a large list and I am hoping to be able to complete it. I am excited for this new addition however. It is a supernatural suspense / thriller in the vein of Jonathan Maberry. In fact, when I get to the point of writing this particular book I will be reading several of his books and others in the genre to get me in the right frame of mind.

Can a book, or any type of creative project, be "the one that got away"? In some respects I think as life gets in the way and other projects come up we can put those original pursuits on the back burner and eventually forget about them altogether. I don't know if that lives up to the term "got away" but for me it is as close as it gets. I am working to rekindle the relationship with this particular piece while making sure no others fall by the wayside. Do you have a person or project you would consider the one that got away?

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