Tomorrow is the quarterly pitch celebration on Twitter known as #PitMad short for Pitch Madness. It is the opportunity to share a pitch for our finished work with agents and publishers through a brilliant and captivating 140 character tweet. No big deal right? I wish. Not only do you have to same room for the customary #PitMad as well as the genre designation but you must create a tweet so compelling that it stands out among the thousands of others constantly being loaded onto the site.
Of course the hashtag will help identify you as a contributor for the event an not just another tweet happy teen posting their latest selfie. It is still a large pool to swim in and you are only allowed three different tweets to promote your project without repeating them. I participated a few months ago though I struggled to find a pitch that would catch an agent's attention and so decided to try again tomorrow. Now as the hours wind down to the beginning of a new round of Please Pick Me tweets I find myself struggling once more.
This is the essence of an elevator pitch. Crafting a perfect tagline that will motivate those with the power to effect my writing career to contact me. I have been trying for the last few days to find just the right way to sell my story but everything I can come up with are either too long or sound a little too generic. Along with the need too include the hashtags it is so limited. You want to sound intelligent, sincere and of course interesting. I have always been one for longer explanations so I find myself in the predicament I had hoped to avoid.
I will try to figure it out though I am getting the feeling that it will be something that manages to keep me up slightly longer than I would prefer. I need to develop three solid pitches that I can offer for consideration. I am hoping to at least find one or two publishers and agents that will show interest in me and if not offer further partnership than perhaps at least give me some advice moving forward. Writing and publishing are constant learning experiences but this is a step I need to make soon in order to reach the next level. Fingers crossed tomorrow goes well.
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