Dear Rachel,
It is because of you that I have avoided the project Sharing Strength for so long. I opened my mind up to other characters in an effort to distract me from the inevitable. I know what is coming and while of course you do too, that doesn't make it any easier.
You represent such an important aspect of the story and on top of that you are a glimpse inside my own story. We are not going to be saying good bye. We are saying thank you for showing the courage to exist and share your experience with us so that we may be able to recognize you in another.
I never had the courage to discuss what happened to me or the way it tore me apart but through you I am able to come clean and let those most important into a shadowy corner of my past I have kept hidden for so long. The fear, shame and self hatred that built inside of me and nearly took my life will be washed clean through you.
I am in tears as I write this letter to you because I know what I must do. I am finally cutting the ties to a previous part of my life and even though the scars will remain the bindings holding me back will be released forever and I will finally be free. I held you in for so long and I admire you for having the strength to stand up for me.
You may only exist on the pages of my book but in many ways you are me and I am a living tribute to you and all in the group. Have faith that you will bring comfort to many and your story will live on. Rest now sweet princess, you don't have to be afraid or in pain any longer.
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