In a few weeks following the exciting reveal of the cover comes an even bigger and by far more frightening step, The Release. My novel will be available to purchase and my work will be out there exposed to praise and criticism. It is my first and therefore in a way my baby so the butterflies have already begun.
I began the process of writing the story eleven years ago but put it on the shelf for eight years because it wasn't ready to be written. I chose to use it as inspiration to complete the Nanowrimo writing challenge in 2011. It was incredible to see how putting the pressure on made my creativity come alive and took the story in an unexpected direction.
I started researching agents and publishers following completion and editing eventually finding and being accepted by Pure Ice. As with most authors that take the chance and submit their work I did collect a file full of rejection letters before finding my acceptance but that yes could erase a thousand rejections.
In 2013 I once again participated in Nanowrimo and finished my next project called Breathe. I have been in the process of editing the new book and am thrilled that now that I have opened the doors the creative ideas seemed to be flowing in. Once Breathe is edited and I get the review back from my beta reader I will be submitting that as well and hoping that Pure Ice enjoys that one as well.
As I opened my mind I have come up with numerous books and short stories to write and luckily as I have learned more about the current writing landscape I have found ways to help others and have them help me with our work. Some of the upcoming books do have more of a fantasy edge however I tend to write more emotional and realistic fiction. Years ago it was considered young adult though with the expansion of sci-fi and fantasy categories calling it realistic fiction and drama seems more appropriate.
I hope that everyone will join me in my excitement as I take the first of many many steps in pursuit of my ultimate goal of writing full time. Tomorrow I will be sharing the cover of my book on facebook and will post it here and link it to twitter as well.
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